Extra and Co-Curricular
Current Offerings:
FFA - Visit the Northmor FFA Website, Visit the FFA National website. Advisor: Miss Evans
Junior High Choir - open to 7th and 8th grade students who are interested in singing, learning more about the voice, and participating in a choral performance ensemble. Opportunities to travel and see area Broadway shows visiting Ohio. 1 credit. Full year.
Junior High Honors Choir (Knights of Harmony) - Auditions in February of each year. Open to those 7th and 8th grade choir members that wish to participate in another vocal performance group. Rehearsals approximately twice a week after school with performances at the May concert and (if selected) the Governor's Youth Arts Show in Columbus, Ohio in April/May.
High School Concert Choir - Audition by June 1st. Open to students in grades 9-12 that are interested in singing, learning more about the voice, and participating in a choral performance ensemble. Opportunities to travel and see area Broadway shows visiting Ohio. Necessary for participation in the school Musical presented every other year. Audition with a short song of your choosing. Selected members participate in such events as the District X Honors Choir Festival, Solo and Ensemble Contest, Barbershop Harmony Camp, and The All Ohio State Fair Youth Choir. 1 Credit. Full year.
Knightsounds - Auditions in May of each year. Open to auditioning students that are currently members of the High School Concert Choir. (Or will be in the next school year.) You will be auditioned on a selected song, a short dance sequence, and a short sight singing example. Dinner Show presented every other year, numerous performances at area dinners, banquets, senior centers, and nursing homes. Selected members have the opportunity to participate in the week-long camp, Show Choir Camps of America.
-Contact Miss McIlvenna for all Jr. High Music and Choir activities.
Concert Band- Prerequisite: Previous participation in a musical instrument program or private instruction is required. Students are expected to have their own instrument, in working condition at all times. Band is an excellent opportunity to grow musically and contribute to an organization. The purpose of the Northmor Bands is to promote the highest standards of excellence in performance, musicianship, professionalism, and pride in oneself, ensemble, school, and our community. Learning objectives of this ensemble include technical and aural development, tuning, breathing, note identification, blend, balance, intonation, tone quality, and major scales. Concert Band season begins in November at the start of Quarter 2. Concert Band covers all phases of performance in standard band literature. The Concert Band performs three or more formal concerts a year. ¾ credit is earned for each year of participation. Semi-formal attire is expected for band members at concerts.
Marching Band- Prerequisite: Previous participation in a musical instrument program or private instruction is required. Students are expected to have their own instrument, in working condition at all times. The Marching Band season begins in late summer, with preparation of football pregame/half-time shows and entertainment for varsity football games and performances in parades/band shows, etc. ¼ credit is earned with Marching Band during Quarter 1 of the school year. Band fees for shirts/shoes/gloves/dry cleaning are required. All students that choose Marching Band must also choose Concert Band to earn a full credit.
Pep Band- The pep band consists of current high school concert band members or students who have auditioned to be a member of the pep band. The pep band performs at 10-12 athletic contests per winter sports season. The pep band practices after school and runs from November-February.
Jazz Band- The jazz band consists of current high school concert band members or students who have auditioned to be a member of the jazz band. The jazz performs 3-4 times in the spring, including at the May concert. The jazz band practices before school at 7:00AM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
-Contact Mr. Kaschube for all Band activities.
National Honor Society: Advisor: Mrs. White
National Honor Society is more than just an honor roll. Each Honor Society chapter establishes rules for membership that are based upon a student’s outstanding performance in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built.
Students will be selected for the National Honor Society based upon the following criteria:
Scholarship: Students in the class of 2026 and previous years who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 (on a 4.0 scale) meet the scholarship requirement for membership. Students in the class of 2027 and beyond who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) meet the scholarship requirement for membership. These students are then eligible for consideration on the basis of service, leadership, and character. The grade point average will be determined by the procedures used by the Northmor guidance department.
Service: This quality is defined through the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation and with a positive, courteous, and enthusiastic spirit.
Leadership: Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, promoters of school activities, idea-contributors, and dependable persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others.
Character: Students need to reflect the principles associated with the National Honor Society. Students of good character uphold principles of morality and ethics, are cooperative, demonstrate high standards of honesty and reliability, show courtesy, concern, and respect for others, and generally maintain a good clean lifestyle.
Selection Procedure:
The guidance department will make available to the Faculty Council the grade point average of all eligible students.
Students meeting the scholarship requirement will be notified and asked to fill out a National Honor Society Candidate Form, giving them the opportunity to show how they meet the standards of character, leadership, and service.
High school faculty members will also be given a list of eligible candidates to consider in the areas of character, leadership, and service.When all candidate forms and faculty review forms are returned, the Faculty Council will then meet to evaluate and select the candidates for induction into the National Honor Society. Selection will be by a majority vote of the five-member Faculty Council.
Operation Caring Hearts: Operation Caring Hearts is an organization, created in 2001 that supports the United States Armed Forces through a variety of projects and a card campaign. Projects to date have included
Over 4,500 cards made (in study halls and JOG classes) and sent around the world to military personnel, Christmas packages, Christmas stockings for the Sandusky Nursing--supported by students and staff and Support bracelets. We have also had the good fortune to hear back from some of the service personnel who have received our cards. They tell us that our support means a great deal to them and to keep the letters and cards coming. A Northmor grad, who is proudly serving in the military, told us that some of his buddies overseas have received our cards. WE DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! All are welcome to participate!!! Cards and markers are available in the High School Library. Please feel free to email us with any addresses of service personnel—especially Northmor graduates. Cash donations are always welcome to help defray the cost of supplies and shipping. You can make a difference in a troop's day with a single card or letter and show them your support for all their efforts on our behalf.
High School Student Council: Northmor Student Council is an entity that manages governing aspects that mirror the democratic process of the United States. For example, an election process is used for the homecoming court and class officers. Additionally, the council also manages the homecoming festivities that involves students, alumni, and community. Equally important, they also provide various activities that help to empower students, grades nine through twelve, with leadership skills. Most importantly, they also provide monatary contributions toward other clubs and organizations' charitable projects. Advisor: Mr. Mattix
Varsity "N" Club: Members include students who earn a varsity letter.
Yearbook: This is a group of high school student who are independently motivated. They like to do photography and web-based photo enhancing. The group also learns how to use web-based software and helps with advertising. Advisor: Mrs. White & Mrs. Keddie