Information & Forms

Having thoughts of suicide or experiencing a behavioral health crisis? There is hope. Call or text 988 or chat for 24/7, confidential support.

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Having thoughts of suicide or experiencing a behavioral health crisis? There is hope.

Call or text 988 or chat for 24/7, confidential support.

Crisis Line, Text 4hope to 741 741

Do you need help now?

Text the keyword “4hope” to 741 741 to be connected to a trained Crisis Counselor within 5 minutes. Any person may need help in coping with a stressful situation. Reach out by text to communicate with someone trained to listen and respond in a method that is private, secure and confidential. The Crisis Text Line is a free, confidential service available 24/7 via text on mobile devices. Throughout Ohio, you can text the keyword “4hope” to 741 741 to be connected to a trained Crisis Counselor. Data usage while texting Crisis Text Line is free and the number will not appear on a phone bill with the mobile service carrier. People of all ages can use Crisis Text Line. For more information about the Crisis Text Line and for supporting resources, please visit the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services website.

School Tip Line 844-723-3764

844-SaferOH SaferSchools Ohio Safety Tip Line

Northmor Local Schools has joined 844-SaferOH, Ohio's school safety tip line.
SaferOH enables students, parents, teachers and school administrators to anonymously report student safety threats to school officers and law enforcement officers. These threats may include a potential incident of mass violence, a suicide threat or a student who is being bullied.
Trained professionals at Ohio Homeland Security's Threat Assessment and Prevention unit answer all calls and texts to 844-SaferOH. TAP staff immediately forward information to Northmor Local Schools as well as local law enforcement and others. The TAP staff then follows up quickly with school and law enforcement agencies to ensure the incident is investigated and the outcome tracked.
The tip line is available 24 hours a day. The call center guarantees that the person who calls or texts will remain anonymous. Tip line workers may seek additional information, but the person who calls or texts may remain anonymous or leave contact information in case if the tip line workers need to follow up.
Joining SaferSchools Ohio is another example of how Northmor Local Schools is working towards collaboratively establish a safe, respectful and caring environment that promotes student learning.

FinalForms Logo

Student Forms

Northmor Local Schools has partnered with FinalForms, an online forms and data management service.
FinalForms allows you to complete and sign all beginning of the year forms and athletic participation forms for your students. The most exciting news is that FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning that you will never need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for each of your students, saving you time. You will be reviewing your information once per school year to verify information is current and sign the forms.
Please register at the Final Forms website.

Medical Forms

Guides & Information


Spring 2025 Testing Dates


All Juniors will take the ACT at Northmor at no cost to the student.

March 11, 2025, ACT Day, Notice for Grades 9-12

Information and Resources:

State-Funded ACT Tests

ACT Practice Test

Ohio State Tests: Student & Family Information and Practice 

Ohio State Tests at Northmor:

  • Exams will be given online on Chromebooks. If a student requests a mouse to use with the Chromebook, it will be provided.

  • When allowed, calculators will be provided in the testing software. It is not necessary for students to bring their own. However, students ARE permitted to bring their own calculator granted that it does not exceed the test requirements.

  • There are features available to all students that may prove helpful during the exam. For example, the ability to block out answer choices, highlight using different colors and flag answers to review later. At the end of the exam students can review their answers and check their flagged questions. Please take the time and practice these tools at the link above.

  • Another accommodation available to all students is to have Math and Science exams read aloud. This is built in to the testing software for every student. Students will be given earbuds if requested and they are permitted to bring earbuds/headphones from home to use on the exam.

  • Students will take the exam that matches the course they are in. For example, an 8th grader in Algebra will take the Algebra exam and not the Math 8 exam. 

  • All internet connected wearables and all cell phones, must be turned completely off and removed from testing area. 

Test Taking Tips:

  • Do a relaxing activity the night before the test, and go to bed early to get plenty of rest.

  • Know what types of questions will be asked. Usually you will be asked a combination of multiple choice, reading passages, and written response questions. Practice tests linked above.

  • Any typing practice students can do on a computer will help them complete extended response questions faster during an online test. 

  • Read each question carefully.

  • Ask for help if you don’t understand the directions.

  • Skip a question if it takes you too long to figure out. Answer the questions you know first before coming back to the skipped questions. Use the tools in the test to flag skipped questions.

  • Try to answer every question by making the most intelligent choice you can.

  • Double-check your answers if you finish early.

  • Take the time to eat a healthy breakfast before starting the day. A well-fueled body functions better.

  • The best way to help your student prepare for the test is to review the format. The more familiar he or she is with the structure, the less anxious he or she will be to face it. Practice tests linked above.

District Policies