Mission & Vision
The mission of the Northmor Local School District, in association with the Northmor Community, is to provide an atmosphere that promotes the development of lifelong learning skills. A positive self-concept within our schools will be promoted as students develop into productive citizens.
Belief Statements
Northmor Local School District exists for the benefit of all students.
We believe that all students can learn. The desire of the Northmor Local Schools is to replace academic barriers with academic challenges.
We believe that we should create an environment that is well suited to the various learning styles of the individual students. Consequently, we recognize and promote the individuality of each student.
We will provide facilities, equipment and training for students, staff and community members in order to promote positive educational advancements, which will include technological growth and development.
Our students will be provided with the skills necessary to take an active and productive role in their educational experiences.
In addition to classroom academics, students will be given curricular and extra-curricular experiences in preparation for becoming productive citizens.
Our district’s positive cultural heritage combined with the community’s values will promote a quality education.
We believe a safe environment will exist within our district for all students, staff and visitors.
Vision Statement
The Northmor Local Schools will exercise continuous self-evaluation and improvement in all facets of the educational environment to meet the varied needs of our students and community.