photo of auditor and employees

Northmor Local School District Receives the Auditor of State Award

On behalf of Auditor Faber, I would like to present the Northmor Local School District with the Auditor of State Award. Thank you, Mrs. Gina Deppert for your leadership, professionalism, and exceptional commitment to fiscal integrity.

It is important to note that this award puts your organization in a select group. Our office audits nearly 6000 entities each year and only 10% of these entities are eligible for this award.

The Auditor of State Award is presented to local governments and school districts upon the completion of a financial audit that meet the following criteria defined as a “clean” audit report:

The entity must file financial reports with the Auditor’s office by the statutory due date, without extension, via the Hinkle System and in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

The audit report does not contain any findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, Uniform Guidance (Single Audit) findings, or questioned costs.

The award represents the hard work of all the school district’s administrative staff, board, and employees who make every effort each day to attain accounting excellence. We would also like to recognize the fiscal office, Gina Deppert, Treasurer and Melissa Sesco, Assistant Treasurer, who have done an outstanding job watching over every dollar.
