Welcome to Northmor Local School District

Aerial view of Northmor Local School District

District Office

5247 County Road 29
Galion, OH 44833
Telephone: 419-946-8861, Option #4
Fax: 419-947-6255
Bus Garage: 419-947-9585 

Superintendent: Chad Redmon

A Message From Mr. Redmon

Treasurer/CFO: Gina Roop-Deppert

Assistant Treasurer: Melissa Sesco

Administrative Assistant to the Superindent: Debbie Goodman

Maintenance Supervisor: Haven Shenefield

Food Services Director: Christy Garrett

Athletic Director: Blade Tackett

Special Education Director/McKinney-Vento Coordinator: Sara Skelton

Technology Director: Eve Miller

Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Director: Amanda Albert

Transportation Coordinator: Debbie Goodman

Please send all public records requests to: Mr. Chad Redmon

Our District

District Links

Alma Mater

O Come let us unite in praise, a song of alma mater raise.

To reminisce of times gone by, our friends and days at Northmor High.

Years may go the seasons pass, but on we roll with friends that last.

We will always cherish and adore and sing our praise to dear Northmor.